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FDSL-15 talk, Berlin

Object-Shifting and Head-Raising One’s Way to Discourse Configurationality

Antonyuk, S. 2022. In Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium proceedings.

Base-generated or derived? Here’s how to tell structures apart in Russian

Antonyuk S. (forthcoming) Base-generated or derived? Here’s how to tell structures apart in Russian. Annual Review of the Faculty of Philosophy, the journal published by the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, Serbia.

Scope Freezing and Object Shift in Ukrainian: does Superiority Matter?

Antonyuk, S. & R. Mykhaylyk. 2022. Remark. Syntax.

Russian OVS: towards a Better Understanding of the Construction’s Properties and Significance

Antonyuk, S. forthcoming. Proceedings of FASL 28, Journal of Slavic Linguistics

Superiority and Scope Freezing

Larson, R., S. Antonyuk & L. Liu. 2019. Squib, Linguistic Inquiry 50 (1): 233-252

Backward Pronominalization in Russian: A Syntactic Account

Antonyuk-Yudina, S. & J. Bailyn. 2008. Unpublished ms, Stony Brook University

The Puzzle of Russian Ditransitives

Antonyuk, S. 2020. In Dative structures in Romance and Beyond. Eds. Anna Pineda and Jaume Mateu. Open Generative Syntax series.

Quantifier Scope in Russian

Antonyuk, S. 2019. Glossa.

On the Syntax of U-Possessor Phrases in Ukrainian and Russian

Antonyuk, S. & P. Hallman. 2018. Talk given at DGfS 40.

Generative Linguistics: an Introduction

Antonyuk, S. accepted. Wiener Linguistische Gazette.

This is a short introductory article about generative linguistics as a discipline and a branch of cognitive science, written for English philology students but of potential interest to anyone interested in linguistics.

Scope freezing in PP Dative Constructions?

Antonyuk, S. & R. Larson. 2016. Talk given at FDSL 12

Russian Scope Freezing: Novel Evidence and Account

Antonyuk, S. FASL 24 paper (final pre-print draft)

Embracing the Differences: The Three Classes of Russian Ditransitives

Antonyuk, S. 2016. FASL 25

Quantifier Scope and Scope Freezing in Russian

Antonyuk, S. 2015. Doctoral dissertation, Stony Brook University.

The thesis was submitted in August 2015 but I kept making small changes until January 2016. This is the most recent and final (January 2016) version.

Prosody of Scrambling

Antonyuk-Yudina, S. & R. Mykhaylyk. 2013. Proceedings of NELS 40, MIT

Long-Distance Scrambling, VP Ellipsis, and Scope Economy in Russian

Antonyuk-Yudina, S. 2009. Proceedings of PLC 32.